• Presentations: local and distant
    Deliver a presentation in a conference room, lecture hall or classroom while simultaneously streaming to distant locations.
  • Production: Stealth Studio
    Produce high quality videos with all the benefits of a green screen studio while avoiding the pitfalls of a visual effects production loaded with post expenses.  Cost?  Same cost as voice-over-PowerPoint. Great human performances because they’re “captured”, not produced.
  • Collaborations: Multiple groups
    Uniquely addresses the needs of multiple group collaborations when there are too many participants for traditional “tiled” display techniques.



Create a virtual classroom in multiple locations.

Record a live class in front of students without a cameraman and have it appear as a special effects production.

Encourage live collaboration between instructors, guest lecturers and students from different locations.


Distance collaboration, Presentations, Production

Four locations on the screen simultaneously.

Enhanced local presentations. 

Engaging distant presentations unlike telepresence meeting room presentations. Local onscreen prompting system (invisible on the output) makes it Executive friendly.

Becomes an unmanned virtual studio. No lighting equipment required. 


  • Brief+Case Health 
    Education and Workforce Training, Health and Wellness, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  • Remote presence
    Uniting patients, providers & families over distance to achieve optimal health outcomes.